Thinking energy & mobility forward

The Zug Alliance

In the Zug Alliance, business, science and politics work together to create the knowledge, the frameworks, and the products and services that ensure the prosperity of tomorrow. The aim is to promote cross-sectoral collaboration in order to decarbonise energy and mobility more quickly, the intention being to create flagship projects that accelerate progress towards a more sustainable future. 

the members

The ZUG ALLIANCE is organised as an association - the members are:

The ZUG ALLIANCE can count on close cooperation with the Canton of Zug and on the scientific support of the University of St. Gallen (HSG).

Our projects

The ‘Zug Virtual Power Plant’ project aims to strengthen energy resilience in the canton of Zug and thus enable continued security of energy supply at affordable prices in future. The ZUG ALLIANCE aims to achieve this goal by establishing a new kind of ecosystem in which business, science and politics band together to think and act in the interest of innovation.

In order to achieve the NetZero goal, solar and wind energy must be expanded significantly. Since these are stochastic energy sources, storage is necessary in order to be able to use the energy. The approximately 85,000 vehicles in the canton of Zug represent a unique opportunity for this: as decentralized storage systems, they can, on the one hand, stabilize the network and, on the other hand, bring electricity from day to evening or even store it over several days and make it usable again. 

In the canton of Zug, the aims to is expand public transport in addition to bike-based and non-motorised transport. There is also support for forms of mobility that improve energy and space efficiency, increase the benefits for mobility users and/or support the housing objectives in the «Richtplan des Kantons Zug». Central notions for Zug Mobility 2040 include the economical use of traffic areas in line with the housing areas, energy and climate targets for mobility, and seizing digital development as an opportunity. The latest digital developments bring new opportunities with intelligent algorithms and autonomous vehicles. 

Contact us

If you have any questions about the ZUG ALLIANCE, please feel free to get in touch with us via the contact form. We look forward to getting to know you.